Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

Spy on SMS

Submitted By: Verny L

Ever want to spy on SMS off a phone? I am sure that most of us have whether we actually admit it or not. Parents, especially, would probably love to read what their kids are saying in the text messages (SMS feature on most phones). We really do want to trust our kids, but that does not mean that we can trust everyone else out there. There really are thousands of people out there that will use the phones to prey on our kids. No matter how scary that sounds, you should recognize it as truth. Amoral people exist and they are using advancing technology to add to their bag of tricks.
Fortunately, they are not the only ones that can use technology in their favor. There are programs out there that can allow you to spy on SMS off a certain phone. Many of them are available online as well. Most will have to be installed right onto the device in order for them to function the way you are going to want them too. However, some are designed to not ever show up after they are put onto the device. You can also get ones that will record all the pictures and videos taken with the phone as well as keeping track of the messages sent to and received. The advantage of this is that it will record all the messages; even the ones that get deleted.
You also might want to spy on SMS off your spouse as well. Maybe you suspect them of playing around, or maybe they are subscribing to a bunch of message services that are running up the phone bill. If you can see the messages you will know exactly what is going on, and possibly put a stop to it. I am not saying that you are being overly suspicious, but if the phone bills keep getting higher without you doing anything, then it stands to reason that they are doing something that is being charged extra for. If not, then at least you have proof for the phone companies to remove the charges. You are not going to get them to deduct much from your bill if you can’t prove it, and being able to spy on SMS can allow you access to that proof.
I have given you just a few reasons for wanting to spy on SMS. I am sure that you have noticed that this is intended for you to use on phones that you own. You will have to check with the different programs to ensure that they will work with the model and carrier that you have; not all of them will. You are not going to want to buy something that will not work for you. The potential for the reasons you might want to use something like this are as limitless, and as varied, as there are people out there. Every one will have a slightly different reason for wanting this, but the programs do not care, and are designed to work for you if you want them to.
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